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essential oil for skin

Best essential oils for healthy skin

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For the last decade or so, people have been drawn to essential oils’ medicinal and skincare properties. Essential oils have been around for many years in the Eastern part of the world but are relatively new to western culture. Time and again, it has been used to cure various skin conditions. So before we dive into the benefits of essential oils on the skin and give you our pick for the best essential oils for the skin, it is best to discuss essential oils.


What is an essential oil?

Essential oils are extracts taken from different plants and mixed with base oil. They are said to have the chemical properties of that plant. For instance, if a plant has antibacterial properties, then the oil will possess the same. This form of alternative medicine is being adopted worldwide, and many skincare companies started to produce it. We will now discuss ways to use essential oils for healthy skin and essential oils’ general uses on the skin.


Essential Oils For Skin:


1. Tea tree oil

The first one to be discussed is tea tree oil. Perhaps the most popular one, and rightfully so, given the properties. As it turns out, most antibacterial products contain tea tree oil. It can therefore be used to treat acne and pimples. How this can be done is very simple:

  • Start by mixing a few drops of tea tree oil with honey and apply the paste to your face.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this daily to treat acne and pimples.

Tea tree oil can also be mixed with other essential oils to treat dark spots and fight dry skin.


2. Jojoba Oil

The following essential oil for skin to be discussed is Jojoba oil. Mix a few drops with coconut oil and apply to your skin as a moisturiser.

This particular oil is known for:

  • Its deep hydrating property.
  • It penetrates deep into the layers of the skin to provide deep moisturising.
  • Since it does not have water consistency, it does not evaporate when exposed to the environment. This makes the effects long-lasting.
  • Jojoba oil also possesses anti-ageing properties and, when applied regularly, can slow down the ageing of skin.
  • It is packed with vitamins B and E and, therefore, an essential oil for healthy skin.


3. Lemongrass oil

Next, we will discuss the benefits of lemongrass oil. This oil happens to be very good in removing excess oil from the skin. But what’s the process?

  •  Mix a few drops of the oil with distilled water and apply on your face.
  • After it has dried up, apply a moisturiser on the face.

Lemongrass oil is beneficial in removing blackheads, fighting bacterial infections and toning the skin. One of its most essential and efficient uses is refreshing the skin. When mixed with yoghurt and honey, it can work wonders on rejuvenating the skin and giving you that morning glow.


4. Carrot seed oil

The final essential oil that we will talk about is carrot seed oil. But what are its specialities?

  • This is a natural antioxidant and, therefore, an excellent substitute for anti-ageing creams.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it particularly good for soothing inflamed and itchy skin.
  • It is enriched with vitamins A and C and therefore has excellent healing properties.

Using a few drops of carrot seed oil and a few drops of lemon juice can be an excellent way to make a paste. Ideally, use this a few minutes before starting your morning skincare routine.



It just goes to show that essential oils can be used in a variety of ways for skincare, and this is just a brief pick out of the very elaborate list. Knowing the benefits and using them accordingly can make the skin better. Be it in the form of moisturised skin with Jojoba oil or acne-free skin with tea tree oil. Lemongrass oil for bright skin, or carrot seed oil for healthy skin. Essential oils never fail to disappoint.


Frequently Asked Questions On Essential Oils For Skin:


1. What is the best essential oil for the skin?

Ans. The best essential oil for the skin depends on what you want to use it for. Each essential oil has a different purpose.

For example, tea tree oil is perfect for acne and pimples, while Jojoba oil is a good moisturiser. Rose geranium oil and lavender oil very well fight dry skin, while carrot seed oil reduces skin inflammation.

So, it is difficult to suggest one particular essential oil without knowing one’s skin care needs. However, for the skin, Jojoba oil works very well and can be named the best essential oil for the face. It can be found in most face moisturisers and creams.


2. Can I apply essential oils directly to the skin?

Ans. The benefits of essential oils for skin are plenty, and there is a variety of them to choose from depending on your skin type. However, they are pretty strong and should not be applied directly on the skin without mixing it with a base oil to dilute the concentration. This will allow your skin to tolerate the oil better.

Everything should be used in moderation, and like all good things, essential oils too can cause damage if not used correctly. Usually, the bottle containing the oil has instructions on how to use it and its strength. Once you are sure that the volume you are using is safe for your skin, you can go ahead and use essential oils for the skin.


3. Which essential oil is good for glowing skin?

Ans. Various names can be mentioned to answer this question, but perhaps the best essential oil for glowing skin is lavender oil. Being one of the most versatile in the family, lavender oil benefits are countless, and bright skin is just one of them. Other than that, carrot seed oil and lemongrass oil work very well in skin brightening as well.


4. How do you mix essential oils for skin?

Ans. When mixing essential oils to get various benefits, you must consult a guide that shows proven mixtures. Yes, mixing different oils can give you added benefits, but certain oils do not go well together. Keeping that in mind, the combination can prove beneficial and will leave your skin satisfied.


5. How do you use essential oils on your face?

Ans. Using essential oils for beautiful skin is an age-old practice. These oils are mixed with base oil and other essential oils to obtain a mixture with excellent skincare properties. After diluting the oil with the help of a base, it can be applied to the face in the form of a face pack or moisturiser. It can also be used to brighten the skin and diminish signs of ageing.







