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 • Hair Care Blogs • DIY: Henna and Aloe Vera Pack for Damaged Hair

DIY: Henna and Aloe Vera Pack for Damaged Hair

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Henna is a wonderful natural hair conditioner. Also, it helps to restore the acid-alkaline balance of our scalp. It helps to promote hair growth and health of hair. On the other hand, Aloe promotes hair growth, it is anti-puritic, anti-inflammatory, reduces the dandruff, condition hair well. It also helps to retain the water and moisture level. Meanwhile, Olive oil gives nourishment to hair. It fights with dryness and itching. Curd is another natural moisturizer and conditioner. It contains milk protein which is great for hair. Also helps to get rid of itchiness, dryness and flakes. When all these come together, they’re an absolute elixir for damaged hair.

