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 • Hair Care Blogs • Get Strong and Soft hair using Coconut and Hibiscus
Get Strong and Soft hair using Coconut and Hibiscus

Get Strong and Soft hair using Coconut and Hibiscus

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  • Coconut is one of the most important natural ingredients for hair care.
  • Regular use of coconut prevents hair loss.
  • Many times due to the dust in our hair the amount of protein in hair is lost and hair fall increases.
  • You do not need to use conditioner on your hair separately if you use Hibiscus and coconut together.
  • Coconut and Hibiscus makes hair strong and soft

We always look towards natural ingredients for our regular hair care. Coconut is one of the most important natural ingredients for this purpose. If we combine another natural ingredient with coconut, the nutrient levels of hair will increase multiple times.

Coconut is a well-known natural ingredient for keeping moisture in dry hair. Regular use of coconut prevents hair loss. It also reduces the roughness of hair and makes the hair soft. Most of the time, dust is the main cause for protein loss in hair. .Coconut contains two ingredients named lauric acid and capric acid that protect protein balance of hair and prevent hair loss. Coconut is antibacterial. So it can fight against bacterial, viral or fungal infections on the scalp and hair. Check out our blog on hacks to include coconut in your daily beauty routine. You can find many such blogs in our hair care blog section.
Among herbal ingredients, Hibiscus flower is widely used for hair care. Many use this as a solution for hair fall or baldness. Hibiscus flowers contain a lot of Vitamin C which enhances hair collagen. Its amino acids increase the production of keratin in the hair, making it stronger and reducing hair fall..
The natural moisture of your hair can be maintained by using Hibiscus. However, the best result of using Hibiscus can be obtained when it is combined with coconut.
It keeps the scalp free from dandruff from itchiness. The pH balance of dry hair maintained by Hibiscus and Coconut. Vitamin C and amino acids of Hibiscus flower maintains blood circulation of scalp. In addition, both coconut and Hibiscus are rich in antioxidants, so they help produce the necessary melanin in hair and thus hair does not turn grey.
Coconut helps to nourish the hair and Hibiscus flowers enhance hair growth. Therefore, these two ingredients combined increase the strength and softness of your hair.
Both the petals and the leaves of Hibiscus are beneficial to the hair. You can make a paste of Hibiscus flower and mix it with Coconut and heat it for some time. Use the mixture when it cools down. Massage the mixture in your scalp and hair from root to tip and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Rinse it off with a shampoo. You can use this mixture 2 to 3 times a week.
Also, check out how you can heal your skin using lavender calendula coconut salve.